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Other areas of translation experience

Government and public sector translation. The bulk of our translation workload is centred on Government sector translation work. Our NAATI certified translators will investigate and fully understand the context of the message in relation to particular policy or initiative before launching into a translation. Errors such as translating “Department of Premier and Cabinet” into “Department of Premier and Wardrobe” will be avoided. Many Government departments like to have the work checked by a second independent translator to ensure that there are no errors; this is an option we provide. Many of our translators work in teams on these projects. This enables timely turn around times and a high quality level of translation through friendly and close collaboration.

Other specialist areas we work in are Translations for Search Engine Optimisation. Should you have the need to generate a list of terms, and words in multiple languages, it is not as simple as translating each word. Context is paramount here. Without an understanding of the context and what it is you are trying to achieve it would not be possible to have an effective translation created. Our translators are briefed and then conduct their own research to fully understand the purpose of the task and translate accordingly. This requires fuzzy logic, something a machine cannot do just yet. Our translators are experienced and have a proven track record in this space.

Social media translations for applications such as Facebook and WeChat are in our sweet spot of translation services. Both Apps now both have over a billion users each worldwide. It is now a common and almost essential part of any promotional activity. In a social media driven world, where readers expect an informal, casual and un-convoluted message, our experience stands out. We use youthful, social media savvy translators who are proficient users of Social Media. They know what works, they understand what people want to read, they apply their knowledge in creating not only a clear representation of your message, but a creative interpretation of it. They are masters of engagement; they are in touch with their culture, community and language. In this case our expertise will deliver the best possible outcome for your communication need.

Call us today to find out how we can help you tailor your message in any language for use in Social Media.