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Our Services Include

We do our best to understand your needs and apply our insights, experience and knowledge to deliver the best outcome for you. In all our working relationships we aim to create a mutual environment of trust and respect which is fostered naturally into unparalleled service.

ORI Market Identification

Market Identification

We will assist you in determining the most appropriate target market, based on your needs, matched with demographic and geographic data from our custom designed statistics database.

Spreadsheet Marketing Budget Report File Concept

Media Planning and Scheduling

Simply supply us with your brief and we will apply all our experience in matching your needs with the most insightful, cost effective and logical plan.

Handsome man

Book and Place Media Campaigns

Once you are happy with your plan we’ll do the rest. We’ll lock in the bookings with all the media, tie up the best possible positions and handle all the paperwork to make it happen. At the end of the campaign you’ll receive one invoice with all your activity itemised.

Translation services

Translation and Production

We source the most experienced translators in the country to work on our translations. Each NAATI certified translator is briefed with essential details such as how, where and when the material will be viewed. Each of these factors can have a unique effect on the end product. Most marketing material requires a fresh approach when translated to make sure that the message appears as though it was created originally in the target language, rather than reading like a wooden word-for-word translation.

realistic envelope mockup template

Material Despatch

Due to our relationships with virtually all CALD media in Australia we have the ability to despatch material, with a clear understanding of timing, format, size, method and to whom. This skill is often taken for granted and only adds to a seamless experience when using Leba.

ORI Campaign Post Analysis

Campaign Post Analysis

As a matter of course, proof of appearance is provided for all placed advertising. This is an essential step to ensure accountability.