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Top 10 languages spoken in Queensland

Between the 2016 and 2021 ABS census we have seen a very large increase in multicultural immigration in Australia.  This has led to over 345,000 Australians in QLD speaking a top 10 language other than English. The largest increases have come from Spanish and Filipino speakers increasing by 28% and 20% respectively. The most frequently spoken languages are Chinese languages, Indian languages and Tagalog.

Source: ABS Census 2021

Rank Language 2021 % Change from 2016
1 Chinese Languages 110,058 14%
2 Indian 51,643 18%
3 Tagalog (inc Filipino) 35,301 20%
4 Vietnamese 31,110 17%
5 Spanish 29,345 28%
6 Korean 21,729 10%
7 Italian 17,810 -12%
8 Japanese 17,776 5%
9 Samoan 16,427 9%
10 Arabic 16,004 15%